
Public Works - Roads

The Township of Seguin is responsible for the maintenance of over 381 km of roads over 700 sq km. The majority (3/4) of these roads are gravel, while the remaining are surface treated. The Township strives to maintain these roadways to the highest standard, and encourages feedback from our residents.  Should you encounter pot holes, a fallen tree, or otherwise bad road conditions, please call during regular business hours (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) at 705-732-4300, or after hours at 705-751-0050.

We appreciate your support as we strive to serve you better.

Public Safety Message - Driving on Seguin Roads

Sign-slow-down-for-wildlifeAs "the natural place to be", Seguin Township is home to a wide assortment of spectacular wildlife. During the summer months, many of our wildlife species are quite active.  Several sightings have been made of fox dens and beaver dams, along with reports of deer and moose running across the roads.  As the weather warms, animal signings increase. Be sure to remind your children not to touch any wild animals, keep your pets away from any known wildlife habitats, and do not feed the bears. We also ask that you please be diligent and use caution as you drive through our roads, particularly in heavily forested areas. Many animals, including deer, moose and fox tend to be most active and visible on our roads at dusk (sunset) and dawn (sunrise).

In the event that you hit an animal, please call Seguin Public Works at: 705-732-4300 or after hours at 705-751-0050 so the animal can be safely removed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Entrance Permits 

An Entrance Permit is required if you want to:

  • Construct a new entrance to your property that fronts onto a Municipal Road
  • Make any changes to an existing entrance that fronts onto a Municipal Road

Permit Application Procedure:

    • The application requires the location of the entrance to be staked (onsite with high visibility tape or paint)
    • A survey (if possible)
  • All Associated fee's must be submitted with the completed application. Payment can be made using credit card, debit, cash or cheque. 
  • Entrances must be constructed to our Municipal Standard.
  • For detailed information on the process and requirements please refer to Schedule 'A' of By-Law 2009-042.
  • Once your entrance has been approved, you can purchase a 9-1-1 fire route number by visiting the Fire Services Fire Route (9-1-1) Number page. 
Load Restrictions 

2024 Load Restrictions (1/2 Load) for Seguin Roads



As outlined in By-law No. 2021-016, reduced loads may be in effect on all roads under the jurisdiction of Seguin Township at any time as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works. Please refer to By-law No. 2018-108, Schedule "A" for exempted roads. 

In the spring, as temperatures increase and the road bed melts, moisture in the road bed is trapped between the road surface and a frozen road bed, and cannot adequately drain. This causes the road bed to become soft and not able to carry the full loads of commercial vehicles.


½ load restrictions reduce the weight per vehicle axle to 5 tonnes per axle.

These restrictions reduce the damage to road surfaces and road maintenance, saving valuable tax dollars.


Load Restrictions - Exemption

In order to accommodate commerce and support the construction industry, contractors may request an exemption from the load restrictions. An authorized exemption form is required. The completed form must be returned in a timely manner to the Public Works Department ( ).


Note: All local cement companies have been advised of our upcoming ½ load restrictions and will require an exemption from the Township before delivering.


Please note that exemptions are considered on a case-by-case basis and are approved at the discretion of the Director of Public Works.


Note to Contractors

We urge you to contact our Public Works Department ( and advise us of any projects that could be affected by load restrictions. Our aim is to try and accommodate for these situations before costly damage occurs to our roadways. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.


IMPORTANT! Hwy 400, 518, 632, 141, 612, and Lake Joseph Rd/Old 69 fall under the MTO.  Permission to use these roads during half load season must be approved by MTO. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Q- Why are half load restrictions applied?

A – In the winter, frost is driven down into the road beds due to traffic and no snow cover (snow cover would insulate the road from frost penetration). It can freeze as deep as 1 meter below the road surface. In the spring, when temperatures rise above zero, the top portion of the road surface melts, but still remains frozen below the surface. As the melted ice (water) increases in the road bed, it has no way of draining through the ice, so the road bed becomes soft. If heavy trucks drive on the road at this critical time, large wheel ruts can be created and the road surface can be damaged. The half load season is applied to control the weight of equipment on the roads during this critical transition season.



Prohibited Parking

Schedule I of Consolidated By-Law No. 2005-164 (as amended by By-Laws No. 2006-112, 2009-081 and 2010-081) lists specific areas in Seguin Township where it has been deemed necessary to prohibit parking at all times.

Winter Parking

As outlined in the above-noted By-Law, in order to facilitate the process of snow removal, parking is prohibited on all township maintained roadways and fire routes from November 1st of each year to April 15th of the following year.

Recreational Parking Areas

Seguin Township takes prides in having extensive trail systems and beautiful water front parks for people to enhance their recreation and leisure experiences. Free Parking is available in the following locations across the Township:

Year Round:


Plow Routes


Plowing operations follow previously established routes. These routes were designed to consider the best service for all residents. As a minimum, plow routes and priorities are established using the Minimum Maintenance Standards set out by the Ministry of Transportation, of which Seguin Township strives to exceed. As well, school bus routes and other public service providers are a priority when establishing these routes.

Sanding / Salting

Sanding of roads is done to help mitigate slippery conditions. Critical areas, such as hills, curves, bridges, intersections, and approaches to railways crossings will receive top priority and are sanded as required.

Seguin Township is continually modifying operating procedures to minimize salt usage. Straight salt is only used sparingly on hard top roads when significant icy conditions exist.

Road Closures & Service Disruptions 


Studies and Reports 

Available Studies and Reports:

 The following Reports or Studies are available at the Municipal Office.

  • Performance Monitoring and Site Evaluation of the Seguin Landfill Site
  • Roads Needs Study

 External Reports and Studies Related to Transportation in our area:

Submit a Road Inquiry

Public Works After Hours Emergency Line (705) 751-0050

Seguin Township accepts the following concerns after hours:

  • Trees or any other obstruction blocking Township roadways.
  • Missing stop signs.
  • Road washouts.
  • Flooded roads.
  • Large potholes on roadways.
  • Icy roads or intersections.

Seguin Township wants to know if there is a road that needs some attention. Please send us an email,  so we are aware of your concerns. 


Winter Control 

Seguin Township is responsible for maintaining year round, public roadways and sidewalks under its jurisdiction. Plowing and sanding operations begin with the first significant snowfall and operators follow pre established plow routes. Throughout the winter season road conditions and weather are regularly monitored to assist in the safe and timely maintenance of our roadways. The Township strives to exceed the minimum maintenance standards, as set out by the Ministry of Transportation.

What can you do to help?

  • Under the Highway Traffic Act, section 181, residents are not allowed to deposit snow on the roadway. When clearing snow, please pile it on your property and refrain from shoveling it onto the sidewalk, road or across the road into the ditches.
  • Adhere to the winter parking Consolidated By-Law No. 2005-164 (as amended by By-Laws No. 2010-081 & 2012-087) 
  • Report any slippery or dangerous conditions to the Public Works Department.

Rural Mailbox Guidelines

  • Residents are responsible for clearing snow and ice in the area in front of their rural mailbox. The proper placement and maintenance of rural mailboxes ensures continued safe delivery of mail by Canada Post. Please consult your local post office to ensure that all mailbox specifications and road safety criteria are met before installing a rural box. Your local post official can answer any questions you have about rural delivery. Please check Rural Mailbox Guidelines for more information.

Safety Tips

  • Always drive according to conditions
  • Keep a safe distance from plow trucks - If you can't see the mirrors, they can't see you!
  • Never tailgate a plow truck - This is especially dangerous on a hill, they can slip too!

For a comprehensive page on winter driving safety please refer to the Ministry of Transportation website

Construction Projects


Off Road Vehicles including ATVs on Municipal Roads 
By-law No. 2015-076, Being a By-law to permit and regulate the operation of "Off- Road Vehicles' (ORV's) on highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin. Council enacted By-law No. 2015-076 on September 21st, 2015, which permits the operation of Off Road Vehicles as defined in the By-law to operate on all Township roads (highways) as defined in the By-law. This By-law also repealed the previous By-laws regulating ATV's and Off Road Vehicles enacted by Township of Seguin Council. 
 Rural Mailbox Guidelines

Residents are responsible for clearing snow and ice in the area in front of their rural mailbox. The proper placement and maintenance of rural mailboxes ensures continued safe delivery of mail by Canada Post. Please consult your local post office to ensure that all mailbox specifications and road safety criteria are met before installing a rural box. Your local post official can answer any questions you have about rural delivery. Please check Rural Mailbox Guidelines for more information.

 Oversize/Overweight Load Trip Permit
The Oversize/Overweight Load Trip Permit can be found here.


Each road authority may have additional conditions or exceptions to the following:

  1. The permit is specific to a single load.
  2. A copy of the permit must be carried in the vehicle and shown to police or highway officers upon request.
  3. Permits are valid only for the period specified.
  4. Permits are restricted to the roads listed in the permit.
  5. Permits apply only to the load approved.
  6. Permit holders must check all clearances on their route before transport.
  7. Permit holders must ensure the route is suitable on the travel day, avoiding construction and events. Check for updates.
  8. Additional permits may be needed for utilities above the roadway, e.g., Hydro One requires a permit for loads over 14.2 feet (4.32 meters).
  9. Approval from railway companies is required for routes crossing railways.
  10. Loads must comply with seasonal and posted load restrictions.
  11. Trips are restricted to daylight hours, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays.
  12. Travel is prohibited in hazardous conditions such as ice, snow, or poor visibility. If inclement weather occurs, vehicles must stop at the first safe location.
  13. Drivers or their company must report any damage to road authority assets immediately.
  14. Drivers or their company must report the removal and return of any assets, including signs.
  15. The permit is subject to Ontario Highway Traffic Act regulations, especially Reg. 363/04 – Security of Loads, and Section 109 signs and flags.
  16. Escorts, as required by the HTA, are the responsibility of the applicant/carrier.
  17. For loads over 50,000 kg, bridge crossings should be in the center of the road at the lowest speed possible.
  18. Permits may be canceled without notice if conditions are violated.
  19. Permit holders must report any road blockage lasting more than five minutes.
  20. Notify the road authority as soon as possible if a trip is canceled.
  21. Permit holders and their contractors must indemnify and hold approving jurisdictions harmless against any claims or damages related to the permit.

Contact Us

Seguin Township logo

© Copyright 2022 Township of Seguin, 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, Ontario, ON P2A 2W8
Phone: 705-732-4300 Toll Free: 1-877-4SEGUIN (1-877-473-4846) Fax: 705-732-6347 After Hours Answering Service 705-751-0050

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