June 24, 2020
The Citizens Advisory Committee is Requesting Residents' Input
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Province of Ontario restrictions on social distancing the planned Public Meetings in April had to be canceled.
In order to ensure residents input, the Citizens Advisory Committee has developed an Online Presentation with a short Survey.
Your input is very much appreciated and will be vital to our final recommendations. The Survey will be open from Wednesday July 1st to Tuesday July 14th, 2020.
The presentation and survey can be found at all partner websites:
Seguin, McDougall, Shawanaga, Wasauksing, Parry Sound, McKellar, The Archipelago, Whitestone, and Carling
If you do not have Internet capability, paper copies of the Survey are available at:
- The 7 Municipal offices and 2 First Nation administration offices:
Call your local Municipal or First Nation administration office for details.
The survey can be found at: www.wpsrecsurvey.ca
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