Treasury & Property Taxes

The Treasury Department provides a wide variety of administrative and financial services to Council, all departments and the public. 

2025 Budget

2025 Budget in Principle Summary (PDF)
Report to Council

Finance and Accounting

Purchasing and Risk

Property Taxation

Online credit card payments are now available for Property Tax Bills and Accounts Receivable.

2025 Tax Bill Due Dates 

2025 Interim Tax Bill is scheduled to be mailed on January 10th, 2025.

The due dates are:

1st Installment will be due 25 February 2025

2nd Installment will be due 25 April 2025


If you do not receive your tax bill please contact the Treasury department immediately.

View and Pay a Bill Online

Property Tax Bills & Accounts Receivable

Please note emails sent to Gmail users are appearing in the receivers Spam folder please check your Spam if you are expecting an email from any Seguin email address.  Please note that tax bill notifications will be sent from

Online credit card payments are now available for Property Tax Bills and Accounts Receivable!

A fee of 35 cents per transaction + 3% of the amount being paid to the Township will be applied to your credit card by a 3rd party service provider.


Accounts Receivable - Payments must be made for each individual invoice number.

Taxes - Payments must be made for each individual roll number. 

You will need your entire 19 digit roll number (including dashes) in order to use this service.  By making a Credit Card Payment you will be automatically signed up for Paperless Tax Bills for all future billings.

Make a Credit Card Payment

NEW!! View your property tax bill online! It's simple!

Click the button below.  Select "New User? Register Here" and create an account.  You will need your property's roll number (all 19 digits including dashes) and your personal PIN (9 or 10 digits including the dash) in order to create an account.  Your personal PIN number is located to the right of your name on your tax bill. Each year when the tax bills are prepared, you will receive an email notification of a new eBill to view.  By going paperless you will not be able to view your active account only the tax bill as printed.

View  Tax Bill - Go Paperless

 Other Options to Pay Your Taxes

Payment Options

Please note: credit cards not accepted.

  1. In person:  Pay by cash, interac or cheque.
  2. By mail:  Seguin Township, 5 Humphrey Dr, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8. Cheque only.
  3. By phone or internet:  Please complete through your bank's online or telephone system.  Your 19 digit property roll number is your account number.
  4. Pre-Authorized Payment Plans. Monthly or Installment due date options available.
  5. Post-dated cheques corresponding with the dates on the remittance portions of your tax bill are accepted and held for deposit as they become due.

  6. Mortgage:  If you have a mortgage, your financial institution may pay the property taxes on your behalf.  Arrange with your mortgage lender.
 Pre-Authorized Payment Plans 
Monthly Payment Plan (PAP)

This program consists of eleven payments, automatically withdrawn from your bank account on the 15th of the month.  Payments will commence in January and continue until November.  No deductions will be made in December. No missed due dates or late payment charges. No line ups or mailing/postage costs.

How Does This Plan Work?

  • The pre-authorized payment plan will begin in January for the current year's taxes. It will consist of 11 monthly payments. In June of each year, the Township will recalculate your payment plan and adjust the July to November payments to reflect the current year's actual taxes. There will be no payments processed in the month of December.

  • Payments will be withdrawn on the 15th of each of the 11 months.
  • You will receive a payment schedule in December for the following year.  An updated payment schedule will be included with your Final Tax Bill for the adjusted July to November payments.
  • You will still continue to receive your Interim and Final tax bill; however this will be a statement only for your records. An additional payment will not be required.

IMPORTANT: If your assessment changes and you wish to have your monthly withdrawal amount increased or decreased, it is your responsibility to contact the Tax Department.  Adjustments are not done automatically.

Instalment Due Date Plan (ATIW)

Automatic withdrawal from your bank account on the installment due dates for the installment amounts. No missed due dates or late payment charges. No line ups or mailing/postage costs.

How Does This Plan Work?

  • This alternative will provide you with the convenience of automatic withdrawal from your bank account on the installment due dates for the installment amounts.

  • You will still receive an interim tax bill and a final tax bill each year. DO NOT PAY  They will serve as your notice for payment amounts and withdrawal dates.

 Additional Information

  • Past due balances must be paid before enrolling in either program.
  • If you sell your property, it is your responsibility to notify the tax department in writing to cancel further withdrawals.
  • Seven days written notice must be given to make any changes to your payment plan, this includes, change of banking information, cancellation etc.
  • Any payments that are not honoured by your bank will be subject to a returned item charge of $35.00.  Two returned payments in a 12 month period may result in termination of rights to be enrolled in the Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Program.

How to Enroll

  1. Ensure that your property taxes are paid up to date.
  2. Complete the "Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Agreement" making sure to check the desired Plan type.
  3. Attach a VOID cheque or  your Financial Institution Payor PAD Agreement
  4. Mail or deliver to the Seguin Township Tax Department 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, Ontario, P2A 2W8 or Fax to (705) 732-6347 or send an email to Treasury .


Tax Bill Information 
  • The Interim tax bill is mailed in January each year and due in February and April.
  • The Final tax bill is mailed in June each year and due in July and September.

Penalty and Interest

  • A late payment penalty of 1.25% is added the day after the due date on the past due instalment.
  • Interest at 1.25% will be added the first of each month on all past due taxes.

Accounts in Arrears

Seguin Township offers an automatic payment plan for accounts in arrears. For more information or to obtain an Arrears Payment Plan Application Form contact the Treasury Department.

Returned Payments

A $45.00 fee will be charged to all returned Cheques and Preauthorized Payments.

Supplementary and Omitted Tax Bills

Supplementary and omitted tax billings are payable in addition to any original mailings.

Tax Receipts

Please email your request with your property roll number to

Penalty and Interest Policy 
View our Penalty and Interest Policy 
Tax Rates 

Current Year Tax Rates

Previous Year Tax Rates

If you require tax rates for any other year, please contact us.

Tax Sales 

October 22, 2024 

FORM 6 - SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER Municipal Act, 2001 Ontario Regulation 181/03, Municipal Tax Sales Rules


TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on October 22, 2024, at the Township Office, 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, Ontario, P2A 2W8.


The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:15 p.m. at the Township Office.


Description of Lands:



BY RO142396 PT 4 42R12163 S/T RO195634 & RO146444; SEGUIN.

BEING ALL OF PIN 52180-0706 (LT).  

Roll # 49 03 030 001 03540 0000 – Township of Seguin

Municipal Address: N/A

Minimum Tender Amount: $7,482.02

According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $17,800.00

Tender Form



Municipal Record Search

Property does not meet the requirement of the zoning by-law for the purposes of 
obtaining a Building Permit.



BEING ALL OF PIN 52175-0679 (LT).

Roll # 49 03 040 006 03920 0000 – Township of Seguin

Municipal Address: N/A

Minimum Tender Amount: $6,188.56

According to the last returned assessment roll, the assessed value of the land is $17,300.00

Tender Form



Municipal Record Search


 3.  LT 12 RCP 330; SEGUIN. BEING ALL OF PIN 52176-0323 (LT).

Roll # 49 03 040 001 06811 0000 – Township of Seguin



Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit of at least 20 percent of the tender amount, which deposit shall be made by way of a certified cheque/bank draft/money order payable to the municipality (or board).


Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land(s) to be sold.  Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers.


Pursuant to the Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act, S.C. 2022, c.10 s.235 (the “Act”), effective January 1, 2023, it is prohibited for a non-Canadian to purchase, directly or indirectly, any residential property, as those terms are defined in the legislation. Contraventions of the Act are punishable by a fine, and offending purchasers may be ordered to sell the residential property. The municipality assumes no responsibility whatsoever for ensuring bidders/tenderers comply with the Act and makes no representations regarding same. Prospective bidders/tenderers are solely responsible for ensuring compliance with the Act and are advised to seek legal advice before participating in this sale.


Transfers of property that contain at least one and not more than six single family residences and are transferred to a non-resident of Canada, foreign entity or taxable trustee are subject to the Province’s Non-Resident Speculation Tax (NRST).


This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001, and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and any taxes that may be applicable, such as Land Transfer Tax, Non-Resident Speculation Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax.


The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser.


A copy of the prescribed form of tender is available on the website of the Government of Ontario Central Forms Repository under the list for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs.


For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact:


Christine Dixon, Deputy Treasurer


5 Humphrey Drive, SEGUIN, Ontario, P2A 2W8

Telephone: (705) 732-4300


Township website:


A Sale of Land by Public Tender is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001, and Ontario Regulation 181/03 (the “Municipal Tax Sales Rules”). By following the process set out in this legislation, the municipality has an opportunity to sell land which is in arrears of taxes in order to recover the arrears.

"ALL TENDERERS PLEASE NOTE:  All tenders that are received and are not the highest tender will be returned using courier.  Please ensure that the email address, phone number and address  provided is written clearly and is sufficient to return the tender and deposit cheque to you by courier.  If the address is deficient your tender will be returned by regular mail and the municipality will not be responsible for any lost or stolen deposit funds.  NO TENDERS WILL BE RETURNED TO TENDERERS IN PERSON ON THE DAY THAT THE TENDER OPENING IS COMPLETED OR AT ANY TIME THEREAFTER."


"The information provided above is informal and should not be relied upon by a purchaser.  Persons interested in submitting a tender should satisfy themselves through independent sources."


Note: H.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser.


All successful tenderers will need to contact their own legal counsel in order to complete the transaction.


For interactive mapping please visit the Seguin Public GIS on the West Parry Sound Geography Network.

Tax Certificates

Cost $45.00 - Same day service $90.00

Submit request by the following methods

  1. Mail to Township of Seguin, 5 Humphrey Dr, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8
  2. Fax to 705-732-6347 (include copy of payment) or
  3. Email with proof of payment

Now offering tax certificates via email. Please indicate your email address on your request. A hard copy will not be mailed unless requested.



The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) will be reassessing all properties in Ontario in 2016.  Property Assessment Notices with the new assessment will be mailed out to Seguin residential property owners on JULY 11, 2016.  Any increases in your property's assessment will be phased in over the next 4 years, while any decreases will be reflected on your 2017 tax bill.  Please note that, if you disagree with your reassessment, you have 120 days from the date of your Notice to file a Request for Reconsideration with MPAC. 

For more information on the reassessment, please go to or contact MPAC at 1-866-296-6722.

Assessment Value

  • If you feel that the current value assessment assigned to your property is incorrect, please call the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) at 1-866-296-6722.
  • Please have your 19 digit roll number available.
  • You may be required to complete a Request for Reconsideration Form which is available free of charge from MPAC.

Assessment Rolls - Public Records

  • The roll books are available to the public and contain property ownership and assessment information. The roll books are updated annually.
  • For information regarding property assessments/reassessments please visit MPAC's website or call 1-866-296-6722.
Tax Adjustments

Vacancy Rebate Program

Property owners of vacant commercial and industrial buildings may apply for a property tax rebate under certain specifications set out in Section 364 of The Municipal Act and Ontario Regulation 325/01, amended to O.Reg. 210/05

Vacancy Rebate Application Form

Reduction, Refund of Taxes

There are circumstances where a property owner can apply for a cancellation, reduction or refund of property taxes.

  1. Reasons for Section 357 Application:

    • Razed by fire, demolition or otherwise
    • Mobile unit removed
    • Damaged and substantially unusable
    • Gross or manifest clerical/factual error
    • Repairs/Reno's preventing normal use (min. 3 months)
    • Ceases to be liable for tax at rate it was taxed
    • Became vacant or excess land
    • Became exempt

Deadline - an application under section 357 must be filed on or before February 28 of the year following the year in respect of which the application is made to be entitled to appeal.

2.Reasons for Section 358 Application:

  • Overcharge caused by a clerical or factual error in the preparation of the assessment roll

Deadline - an application under section 358 must be filed between March 1 and December 31 of ayear and may apply to taxes levied for one or both of the two years preceding the year in which the application is made.

Changing Your Mailing Address / Contact Information 
If your mailing address or contact information has changed, please complete a Contact Information Change Form. 
Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

For more information click here:

Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program

Contact Us

Seguin Township logo

© Copyright 2022 Township of Seguin, 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, Ontario, ON P2A 2W8
Phone: 705-732-4300 Toll Free: 1-877-4SEGUIN (1-877-473-4846) Fax: 705-732-6347 After Hours Answering Service 705-751-0050

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