Frequently Requested By-Laws
By-laws help ensure a safe, quiet and pleasant environment for residents in our community.
The Township of Seguin provides the most frequently requested by-laws in PDF format below.
Off Road Vehicles (including ATVs) |
Being a By-law to permit and regulate the operation of "Off- Road Vehicles' (ORV's) on highways under the jurisdiction of The Corporation of the Township of Seguin. Council enacted By-law No. 2015-076 on September 21st, 2015, which permits the operation of Off Road Vehicles as defined in the By-law to operate on all Township roads (highways) as defined in the By-law. This By-law also repealed the previous By-laws regulating ATV's and Off Road Vehicles enacted by Township of Seguin Council. |
Bear Feeding |
Being a By-law to prohibit the deliberate feeding of bears (Ursus americanus) within the geographic boundaries of the Township of Seguin. This By-law shall apply to all the land in the geographic limits of the Township of Seguin. Intent is to protect the public and the bears by prohibiting the intentional human artificial feeding of bears which causes an escalation in a threat to public health, safety and well being of the residents and visitors of the Township of Seguin and interferes with nature by habituating bears in an unnatural way. |
Building |
Being a By-law respecting Construction, Demolition, Change of Use, Inspections and Fees. |
Dogs |
Consolidated By-law No. 2002-056 (as amended by By-law No.2007-158, and By-law No. 2011-090) Being a By-law for the regulating of dogs, within the Township of Seguin, and that all by-laws, or parts thereof, contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. Bought a new canine-companion?Under the By-law, all dogs in Seguin must be licensed with the Township. As a condition of a licence, an owner at the time of purchasing a dog licence, shall furnish the following information to Township staff:
Dog tags are $25.00 and are valid for the lifetime of the registered dog. The tag must be affixed to your dog. To purchase a licence for your pet, please come into the Township office located at 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, ON. |
Dog Breeding and Pet Boarding |
Kennel & Domestic Animal Boarding Facility Licensing By-law Regulating and Licensing of Establishments for Breeding Dogs and Boarding Domestic Animals Applying for a Kennel LicenceWhen applying to operate a kennel in Seguin, be sure to:
Kennel InspectionsWe inspect kennels typically prior to licence renewal every year. Kennels found in violation of their approved application may have their licence revoked. |
Election Signs |
Being a By-law to Regulate Election Signs in the Township of Seguin and to Amend By-law No. 99-50, Being a By-law to Regulate the Size, Use, Location and Maintenance of Signs and Advertising Devices |
Fires (Open Air Burning) |
Being a By-law prescribing times for setting fires, precautions to be observed, and penalties for contraventions, and to repeal By-law No. 2020-058 and all of its amending by-laws in their entirety.
Fireworks |
Being a By-law to regulate the setting off of fireworks and the sale of fireworks within the Township of Seguin.
A snapshot of retailer and consumer rules may be referenced through the Fireworks Information Sheets. For a comprehensive list of rules, please access the By-law. To inquire about Commercial Display Fireworks permits, please contact the Township of Seguin's Fire Department.
Noise |
Being a By-law to prohibit or regulate noise within the Township of Seguin. When you report a noise violation to By-Law Services, we must establish the particulars of the complaint before we proceed with legal action. In every case, you must be involved in the process. If you wish to report a noise violation, please download the noise reporting package. If you are experiencing persistent noise, it is necessary to fill out the noise reporting package, which includes a witness questionnaire and a record form, for a period of 10 to 14 days. Additionally, you must continue to keep a record form until the noise ceases or until you need to attend court. You must keep track of the dates, times, duration, intensity, and description of the noise, as well as how it has interfered with your activities. If multiple individuals are keeping track, each person must complete and sign a separate sheet. Application for Noise Exemption Form Note that an exemption permit is not guaranteed; a Noise Exemption Permit is issued pending approval from the Supervisor, Municipal By-law Services or Fire Chief and all applicable fees paid. The application fee is non-refundable. |
Public Nuisance |
Being a By-law to prohibit and regulate public nuisances and nuisance parties within the Township of Seguin. |
Public Parks and Open Spaces |
Being a By-law to regulate and govern the use of and activities permitted within Township parks and open space and to repeal By-law 2005-053 and all of its amending by-laws in their entirety. PermitsShould a permit be necessary, it can be obtained by:
Permits may be requested:
Please note, the Director of Community Services may assign conditions or terms as deemed appropriate. If said conditions or terms are not adhered to the permit may be revoked. |
Retail Business Holiday Exemption By-law |
Being a By-law to permit retail business establishments to operate on Holidays for the maintenance or development of tourism within the Township of Seguin. This By-law states that all Retail Business Establishments within the Township may be permitted to open on a Holiday, as defined in the Retail Business Holiday Act, as amended, except on:
unless, with respect to the foregoing named Holidays, such Retail Business is already permitted to open under the exemptions set out in Section 3 of the Act. For an exhaustive list of exemptions, please refer to the Retail Business Holiday Act, as amended. |
Signs |
Consolidated By-law No. 2007-116 (as amended by By-law No. 2009-018 and By-law No. 2009-106) Being a By-law to regulate the size, use, location and maintenance of signs and advertising devices within the Township of Seguin. |
Site Alteration |
Being a Site Alteration By-law to regulate and prohibit the modification to private properties within the Township of Seguin and to repeal By-law 2008-104 and By-law 2008-105 and all of its amending by-laws in their entirety. This By-law applies only to shoreline areas (60 metres inland from the shoreline) and to land zoned Environmental Protection (EP and EP1). For permit information please contact the Planning Department at (705) 732-4300. For a snapshot of exemptions under this By-law, you may reference the Exemptions Overview Sheet; however, this is not an exhaustive list, and residents are advised to consult Section 3 of the By-law for additional exemptions. |
Township Docks and Boat Launches |
Being a By-law to regulate the use of Township Docks and Boat Launches. Commercial Boats
PermitsShould a permit be necessary, residents may apply:
Please note, the Director of Community Services may assign conditions or terms as deemed appropriate, such as location and duration of mooring, launching, or recovering, and in accordance with the fees set out in Schedule "A" of this By-law (currently free). If said conditions or terms are not adhered to the permit may be revoked. For more information, click HERE. |
Traffic/Parking |
Consolidated By-law No. 2020-112 Being a By-law to regulate traffic and to govern and control the parking of vehicles in the Township of Seguin on Township of Seguin owned property and designated Fire routes. Reduced Loads By-law No. 2021-016 Being a By-law to Designate Reduced Load Periods on certain Municipal Highways or Portions thereof within the Township of Seguin. |
Tree Conservation |
By-law No. 2024-019 Being a By-law to restrict and regulate the injuring, removal, and destruction of trees on private property in the Township of Seguin and to repeal by-law 2008-103 and all of its amending by-laws in their entirety. This By-law applies only to shoreline areas (20 metres inland from the shoreline) and to land zoned Environmental Protection (EP and EP1). For permit information please contact the Planning Department at (705) 732-4300. For a snapshot of exemptions under this By-law, you may reference the Exemptions Overview Sheet; however, this is not an exhaustive list, and residents are advised to consult Section 3 of the By-law for additional exemptions. |
Waste |
Consolidated By-law No. 2002-11 (as amended by By-law No. 2002-025, By-law No. 2003-082, By-law No. 2007-078, By-law No. 2010-068, By-law No. 2011-059 and By-law No. 2017-044) Being a By-law to prohibit and/or regulate the disposal of waste at the Drop Off Sites, Transtor Sites and Landfill Site in the Township of Seguin and that all by-laws, or parts thereof, contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. |
Documents on Website
Please note, only commonly requested by-laws are posted on this webpage. Those provided electronically are for information only and may not retain the exact structure of the original versions.
All by-laws are available at the Office of the Clerk. Reference should be made to the official version for any legal purposes. Readers should verify information before acting on it. Every effort is made to ensure the by-laws on this website are accurate and contains the latest amendments; however, the Township of Seguin cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided here.
To obtain an official version of a by-law, or to verify its accuracy and currency, please contact the Clerks department by calling 705-732-4300.
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