The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has implemented a Restricted Fire Zone (RFZ) across the entire legislated fire region of Ontario due to impacts related to the COVID-19 outbreak. This RFZ is effective April 3, 2020. For more information and for details on the restriction, please refer to the MNRF Memo.
Further information can also be found on the MNRF website:
Our Mission
Seguin Fire Services mission is to provide quality Fire Prevention Activities and Emergency Response to our community. We respond to emergencies in a timely and organized fashion to save lives and minimize property losses.
About us
Seguin Fire Services is comprised of a Fire Chief , Deputy Fire Chief, 4 District Chiefs, and approximately 50 Fire Fighters who make up a group of dedicated & irreplaceable trained volunteers.
The Township is divided into 4 Fire Districts, Christie (including Monteith), Foley, Humphrey and Rosseau, with a District Chief assigned to each area.
The Fire Department provides Seguin residents with fire and emergency protection, inspection & investigation services, as well as public education programs, helping children and adults to become more aware of preventative measures that will save lives.
By-law 2024-078 - Establish & Regulate Fire Department & Repeal By-law 2002-55
By-law 2024-121 - Fee & Charges for Various Fire Services
***NEW RECRUIT HIRING - CLOSED*** (visit us back in the Fall, September 2025)
Volunteer Firefighters are paid as part-time on- call firefighters. They will earn an hourly wage starting from $20.08 - $28.86, depending on rank and years of service. A minimum of 6 - 8 hours are available monthly.
Free training - No experience necessary!
Firefighter Application Package.
Please send completed applications by email to:
Junior Firefighter Program
The Junior Firefighter Program is available to young men and women, aged 15-18, interested in being part of a team. The program provides the youth an opportunity to reap the benefits of volunteerism, learn valuable skills, and prepare them to become active firefighters upon reaching the age of 18.
As a Junior Firefighter, members serve in a support role for the senior firefighters at actual emergencies, as a supplement to a formal training program. The Junior Firefighters attend weekly training drills with the full department.
The activities of the Junior Firefighters are limited in scope, and the Fire Officers closely supervise them. The Junior Firefighters quickly become an integral part of the firefighting team during emergencies; serving in such important capacities such as establishing a water supply, supplying equipment for interior Firefighters, changing air packs, manning exterior hose lines, and assisting with interior overhaul once a fire has been extinguished.
If you are interested in joining our team as a Junior Firefighter, please contact us by email or call us at (705) 732-4300.
Tanker Accreditation
Superior Tanker Shuttle Accreditation is considered equivalent to hydrant protection and is recongnized by a marjority of Insurance Companies in Canada. The acceditation demonstrates our ability to fight fires in rural areas quickly and effectively by providing a continuous flow of water to fire scenes not serviced by municipal hydrants.
Seguin Township received the Fire Underwriters Survey Rating for Superior Tanker Shuttle Service on September 8, 2013 for all rural areas within 8 km by road of any of our 5 stations.
Rural residents within 8 kms of a fire station should contact their Insurance Company and ask if they are eliglbe for a rate reduction on their insurance premiums.
Burning Regulations |
Fire Season is from January 1st - December 31st.
Daytime Open Burning (2m x 2m) is allowed only if:
- The Fire Hazard Rating is LOW or MODERATE.
- A Fire Permit application has been approved by the Fire Department.
- Heavy Equipment or industrial water pump is on site.
- The pile is no larger than 2m x 2m (6ft x 6ft) in size.
- The fire is tended to by a qualified person on site at all times.
- The fire is at least 2 meters away from flammable materials.
Evening Open Burning (2m x 2m) is allowed only if:
- The Fire Hazard Rating is LOW or MODERATE.
- The fire is ignited 2 hours before sunset, or later.
- And extinguished 2 hours after sunrise, or earlier.
- The pile is no larger than 2m x 2m (6ft x 6ft) in size.
- The fire is tended to by a responsible person at all times.
- The fire is at least 2 meters away from flammable materials
- Adequate tools or water are nearby to contain fire, if necessary.
Campfires are allowed for cooking, warmth, or socializing only if:
- The Fire Hazard Rating is LOW, MODERATE, or HIGH.
- The pile is no larger than 1m x 1m (3ft x 3ft) in size.
- The fire is tended to by a responsible person at all times.
- The fire is at least 2 meters away from flammable materials.
- Adequate tools or water are nearby to contain fire, if necessary.
Important Information:
For more information, or to obtain a Fire Permit, please contact Seguin Fire Services at (705) 732-4300 or email
Burn Permits can only be requested during business hours, Monday - Friday between 8:30am to 4:30pm.
* For a complete list of the Open Burning rules, please view our Open Air Burning By-law #2023-107 *
Fireworks Regulations
Consumer Fireworks can only be set off on specific days:
- Victoria Day and the Saturday and Sunday of that same holiday weekend.
- Canada Day, and:
- If Canada Day falls on a Monday or Tuesday, the preceding Saturday and Sunday.
- If Canada Day falls on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday, the following Friday and Saturday.
- New Year's Eve/Day, following the time limits listed below.
Consumer Fireworks can only be set off, on the days mentioned above, between dusk and 11:00 p.m., except for New Year's Eve/Day when fireworks are allowed until 12:30 a.m. on New Year's Day.
Please ensure Fireworks are not set off when:
- the surface wind exceeds 40 km/h;
- within 300 metres of any place where explosives, gasoline or other highly flammable substances are;
- on a roadway, or;
- inside of or closer than 8 metres to any building, tent, trailer, camp, shelter or motor vehicle.
Fireworks are not permitted to be set off on Township of Seguin property without authorization.
Commercial Display Fireworks require an authorized permit from the Fire Chief.
For more information, or to obtain a Commercial Fireworks permit, please contact: Seguin Fire Services at (705) 732-4300 or email
* For a complete list of the Fireworks rules, please view our Fireworks By-law #2023-106 *
Fire Prevention |
Our Mission
Seguin Fire Services mission is to provide quality Fire Prevention Activities and Emergency Response to our community. We respond to emergencies in a timely and organized fashion to save lives and minimize property losses.
Public Education
Fire Prevention in Seguin is committed to public education for all ages. It starts at the three early years programs and it goes right on through to the senior citizens in the community.
A fire safety inspection can be requested by a building owner, or it can be requested by complaint due to a fire safety concern. We also have regular scheduled inspections as set out in the Fire Prevention Policy. These inspections are designed to assist building owners in keeping their buildings in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code.
Commercial Buildings |
Commercial buildings are broken down in the fire prevention policy as being:
1.0 Children Camps
2.0 Hotels, Motels, Housekeeping Cottages
3.0 Educational Facilities
4.0 Assembly Occupancies
5.0 Place of Worship
6.0 Commercial and Mercantile
7.0 Industrial
The Fire Prevention Policy, Risk Assessment Schedule sets out how often these types of buildings will be inspected for fire safety.
Seven Principles of Life Safety
The inspections that take place are based on the Seven Principles of Life Safety when looking at a building and dealing with a fire in that building.
The Seven Principles are:
- Means of Egress, this is the exiting from a building.
- Building Construction, the type of construction materials and design that a building is built with.
- Compartmentalization is when a large building is built in boxes to limit the amount of fire spread.
- Building Services are the utilities in the building such as heating, electrical and water equipment.
- Interior finishes are generally things like drapes, stage curtains and posters but may include any wall covering.
- Fire protection Services are fire suppression systems, sprinklers and stand pipes.
- Fire Alarm and Detection Systems are exactly how it sounds it's the fire alarm system and all its parts
If you have been in a commercial building you will have passed by something that will be required by the Ontario Fire Code or Ontario Building code. Things like fire extinguishers, exit lights, fire alarm pull stations and even door latches are all inspected by our Fire Prevention Division to ensure all residents and visitors to Seguin will be safe when in our commercial buildings.
Fire Safety Inspections |
A fire safety inspection can be requested by a building owner, or it can be requested by any person due to a fire safety concern. In our Fire Prevention Policy it has certain types of buildings being scheduled for inspection on a regular basis.
1.0 Children Camps
Twice per year
2.0 Hotels, Motels, Housekeeping Cottages
Every year
3.0 Educational Facilities.
Every year
4.0 Assembly Occupancies
Every 2nd year
5.0 Place of Worship
Every 2nd year
6.0 Commercial and Mercantile
Upon Request or Complaint
7.0 Industrial
Upon Request or Complaint
What to Expect
When a Fire Prevention Officer attends a building to conduct an inspection, they will be responsible to inspect the areas of the building that are set out in the Ontario Fire Code. For example in a restaurant an inspector will look at the Kitchen fire protection equipment, the emergency lighting, exit lighting, fire extinguishers, fire separations and all other aspects of the building relating fire safety.
A Building Owners Responsibility
Building owners who have or are required to have fire alarm systems, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, exit lighting and door closures are responsible to have these systems checked tested and inspected as required by the Ontario Fire Code. Some equipment such as commercial cooking equipment is required to be inspected every 6 months. The records from these inspections will be reviewed at the time of the inspection by the Fire Prevention Officer.
Forest Fire Safety |
Eliminate the Risk
When you are discarding smoking materials you must make sure that they are cooled and put in a fire proof container.
When you build a fire pit there are a few things that need to be done. Clear the area around the fire pit, use rocks to build a barrier for the hot coals and flames. Make sure the fire is located on sand or rock so it doesn't burn into the tree roots. For more fire pit building ideas visit the Ministry of Natural Resources.
When you are extinguishing your camp fire you must make sure that all of the coals and fire are completely extinguished and cooled using water.
What to do
If you come across a forest fire stay calm, call 911 immediately. Be sure that you know the name of the road that you are on and the nearest civic 911 number. This will give first responders the quickest response to the emergency. Depending on weather conditions and size of fire you may be required to leave the area immediately.
If the fire that you have found is in the middle of the bush you may be required to give direction to fire crews on the best way to get to the fire.
More information
For more information on Forest fire safety contact a Seguin Township Fire Prevention Officer, or visit the Ministry of Natural resources Fire Smart Web Pages by following this link MNR.
Home Fire Safety |
The Basics
We can start teaching fire safety to our children at a young age. We teach them the following messages:
- Get out and stay out when the smoke alarm sounds.
- Practice your Fire Escape Plan.
- Stay low in smoke.
- Don't hide from fire fighters.
- Don't play with matches.
- Stay clear of candles.
Fire Safe Homes
To make your home fire safe you can take the following steps
- Install smoke alarms on every storey and near sleeping areas.
- Have your heating equipment inspected yearly.
- Keep combustible materials away from heat sources.
- Place candles in hurricane proof containers.
- Keep pot handles turned inward on stoves.
- Maintain smoke and Carbon monoxide (CO) alarms.
- Clean your lint trap after every use.
- Develop and practice a fire escape plan.
School Programs |

Here is quick link to a Training Our Kids page
Smoke alarm checks
Every year the fire department provides smoke alarm check lists that school children can take home and complete with their parents. This allows us to make sure that kids in our community are living in fire protected homes. Here is a sample of this check list.
Fire Drills
Every school is required to have the students participate in three fire drills in the fall and three fire drills in the spring. The fire department and Humphrey school do these drills together, every fire drill has been a huge success.
Fire Safety Day
Every spring some of the primary classes from Humphrey school come to the fire hall to participate in some fun learning games and exercises. These games and exercises teach the students how to dial 911 and the information that they need to know if they ever have to call for help. We also play some games that focus on getting out and staying out and staying low under smoke. Then there is the fun job of spraying the fire hose.
Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms |
Smoke alarms
Smoke alarms are required on every Storey and outside sleeping areas of every home in Ontario.
Smoke alarms will be hardwired and interconnected in new homes, however older homes are required to have battery operated smoke alarms as a minimum requirement.
There are many different types of smoke alarm technologies that can be used in our homes. The most common is the standard ionization smoke alarm, but another option is the photoelectric smoke alarm. This type does not respond to moist conditions as readily as the ionization type, which makes it an ideal alarm for kitchens bathrooms and in moist basements.
Change the batteries in your smoke alarms twice a year to make sure you and your family is protected.
Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Carbon monoxide (CO) is known as the silent killer. This is because it is tasteless, colourless, odourless gas that is deadly in low and high concentrations. It is produced mainly in heating equipment which is not operating properly, causing the fuel to burn incompletely and creating the CO.
Carbon Monoxide alarms are the only way to detect CO keeping your family safe. These alarms should be placed in the heating equipment areas as well as near sleeping areas.
Fire Hall Locations |
Fire Route (9-1-1) Number |
How to Purchase a Fire Route (9-1-1) Number
If you don't have a 9-1-1 number or if you need your current one replaced, please contact Seguin Fire Services at (705) 732-4300 or email
Residents are responsible for the installation of the number.
NOTE: For vacant lots, you must have an Approved Entrance in order to purchase a 9-1-1 number.
For information on obtaining an entrance permit please visit Public Works Entrance Permits page.

A fire route number is the green 9-1-1 number that is posted at the end of your driveway to help emergency services locate your residence in the event of an emergency.
This number will also help others, like Hydro, Bell, family and friends locate your residence.
Maintaining your Fire Route Number
It is important to check your number periodically to make sure the pole is upright and the number is visible, especially during the winter months.
There are certain factors that can affect the visibility of your 9-1-1 number, such as snow, debris, trees and shrubs.
Please keep snow banks low, brush off snow or any debris off the sign and trim any low lying branches and tall shrubs.
Photo Gallery |
