Building Department

Building and Renovating in Seguin

Seguin Township staff is here to support your building and renovating goals. We are pleased to offer residents, builders, and our business community the option to use Cloudpermit - an online system for building permits.

As a property owner in Seguin Township, you are solely and entirely responsible to obtain and ensure the proper permits have been issued prior to the commencement of any site alteration. A building permit is required to be issued by Seguin Township when any structure, or portion of a structure, is built or demolished (including docks).

Seguin Township uses the online Cloudpermit building permit system to allow you to apply for and see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. You can even request building inspections and download inspection reports!

Apply Now

Step by Step Cloudpermit Guide

Need help with Cloudpermit?

Contact Cloudpermit Support here. 

 The Building Permit Process
1. Understand your property's zoning and any applicable zoning regulations such as permitted uses, required setbacks lot coverage etc. Consult the links below to acquire your property zoning and the by-law to determine the regulations that apply to the property. Our planning staff are available and are happy to assist with any clarifications you may require. It is most efficient to confirm that your proposal is compliant with the Zoning by-law prior to applying for a building permit.

Zoning Map
Zoning By-Law
Zoning By-law No. 2006-125 Illustrations 

2.  Ensure you have an approved Entrance Permit & a Fire Route number (Civic address) assigned to your property.  Building permits WILL NOT BE ISSUED  until completion of both.  These applications, if applicable, can be made through the following links:

Roads Department Entrance Permit

Fire Services Route Number (911 emergency)

3. Prepare a site plan and construction plans for your proposed project. It is recommended that you use a "to-scale" survey of your property on which you can plot your proposal. Please ensure your site plan shows all existing and proposed structures, septic systems/well, hydro lines etc. with all dimensions and setbacks. It is also recommended that you retain the services of a BCIN qualified designer to complete your building plans.

4. Complete an application and upload your site plan and construction drawings on Cloudpermit.
Please watch the support video and/or read through the step by step guide to get started and reach out to the Seguin Building Department team for assistance.

Your application is then submitted for processing. It will go through a series of reviews for completeness, zoning compliance, OBC compliance, and permit issuance. You will be notified about the progress of the application and of any required actions on your part. 


Don't forget to call for utility locations before you dig Ontario One Call



 Building Permit Applications
We encourage residents and builders to use our online Cloudpermit system. We will still accept email or in person submissions but please note they will be uploaded to Cloudpermit.

When sending completed applications via email, please send as one correspondence, in PDF format (zipped files will not be accepted) to If the file is too large for conventional email, you can use 2Big4Email. For alternate arrangements please contact us at


Building permits will be issued through Cloudpermit.

Building Permit Checklist

Building Permit Application - All forms (pdf 1.0 mb)

• Building Permit/Demolition Application

Building Permit Application - Schedule 1 - Designer Information

Building Permit Application - Schedule 3 - Authorization

Building Permit Application - Cottage Declaration

Building Permit Application - Energy Efficiency and Design

• Building Permit Application - Commitment to General Review

 Building Rates and Fees

By-law 2022-052
Building Services Fee Schedule “A”

 Type of Structure/ProjectRate to Determine Estimated
Construction Value (CV) (1)
Permit Fee

Residential Building:
(Dwelling, Cottage, Guest Cabin etc.)


$175/ft2 of finished/habitable floor area

$125/ft2 of unfinished/storage floor area


$10.00 per $1000 of CV


$1.75 per ft2
$1.25 per ft2 Unfinished

B Commercial, Industrial or Institutional Buildings:
(New or addition(s) to existing)
$175/ft2 of total floor area $10.00 per
$1000 of CV 

Accessory Building:
(Boathouse*, Boatport*, Garage, Carport, Shed, Porch, Solarium, Storage Building,
Farm Building etc.)


Non Habitable / Storage


$1.75/ ft2 - Minimum $500
$1.25/ ft2 - Minimum $500


Foundation Only or Foundation Repair

 Flat Rate Minimum $450 or based on value
E Solid Fuel (stove, fireplace/chimney)  Flat Rate  $300
F Temporary tent  Flat Rate  $300
G Renovation or repair  

$175/ft2 Finished floor area
$125/ft2 Unfinished / Storage

$10.00 per $1000 of CV 
H Demolition  Flat Rate  $150
I Conditional / Staged Permit  Flat Rate + permit fee $300 plus fee at applicable rate
J Change of Use  Flat Rate  $300
K Construction Without Permit Surcharge + any applicable fine associated with BCA prosecution. 50% increase of permit fee
L Revision to Plans   Flat Rate  $150
M Additional / Special Inspection   Flat Rate  $150
N Alternative Solution Proposal  Flat Rate + Expenses  $300, plus expenses
O Plumbing Only  Flat Rate  $300
P Miscellaneous/Administration (Discretion of CBO)  Flat Rate  $150
Q Pre Permit Submission Zoning Analysis  Flat Rate   $150
For more details, please review by-law #2022-052
Electronic invoices will be sent through Cloudpermit.

We accept the following payment methods:

• Cash or Debit at Seguin Township Municipal Office (5 Humphrey Drive)


• Credit online through the Cloudpermit portal


• Cheque (payable to Seguin Township. Please clearly identify that the payment is for a building permit application and provide the building permit number.)


• Bank Draft

*Please note that we cannot accept payments over the phone at this time


Be sure you are prepared for your inspection by reviewing and completing the applicable inspection readiness checklists below. Please have a copy of your approved plans on site for the inspector.

Please be sure any pets, including dogs are removed from the work site for the duration of the inspection.


Deck and Dock Framing Inspection Checklist

Pre-Backfill Inspection Checklist

Footing Inspection Checklist

Foundation Inspection Checklist

Underground Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Framing Inspection Checklist

HVAC and In-Floor Heating Inspection Checklist

Above ground Plumbing Inspection Checklist

Insulation-Vapour Barrier Inspection Checklist

Final-Occupancy Inspection Checklist


It is the property owners responsibility to ensure all inspections are conducted and completed; including demolition inspections.  Inspection reports are available in your Cloudpermit workspace.

Your inspections can be scheduled through dispatch on your Cloudpermit workspace, or you can call the office (705)732-4300.  Please allow for 48 hours notice.  You are also welcome to request by e-mail by clicking the link below

Click here to submit your request for inspection

 Dock and Boathouse Permit Requirements
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) requires approvals in the form of Land Use Permits and work permits for docks or boathouses when the proposed project fits one of the following descriptions:

• The dock will be supported on a new crib structure that occupies 15m² or more of the lake bed (shore lands);

• A work permit from the MNRF is required;

• A crib structure occupying 15m² or more of the lake bed will be completely removed. A work permit from the MNRF is required;


• Any 1.5 storey boathouse that contains human habitation requires a Land Use Permit from the MNRF.

In addition to the MNRF requirements above, any dock/boathouse that exceeds 10m² in area requires a building permit from the Township of Seguin. Any required MNRF approvals must be in place before a building permit can be issued. Structural review letters must be submitted with boathouse permit applications. If you have any questions, please contact the Building Department at the Township of Seguin office to discuss.

The Ontario Building Code is the standard for the Township of Seguin. In addition, certain local controls have been adopted to ensure the orderly development of the Municipality. A building permit is legal permission to start construction knowing that the issued drawings comply with appropriate governmental regulations. In addition, the building permit helps enforce the requirements of the Building Code, Zoning By-law as well as other laws and standards to ensure compliance during construction as well as the safety of the building.

It is a homeowner's responsibility to ensure that a building permit is obtained before construction or any demolition begins. Building without a permit is against the law and could result in you and/or your contractor being subject to fines or penalties as set out in the Building Code Act.

Sample Lot Coverage Calculation
Sample Site Plan Drawing and Checklist

Building Permits are required for new buildings, renovations and additions including, but not limited to; adding a room, finishing the basement, building a garage, remodeling the interior of your house or replacing a deck. Please note that these projects must follow the requirements of Building By-law 2019-031 as well as the relevant provincial acts and regulations.

 Building By-laws

 Any structure built on a property in Seguin Township must be in compliance with the appropriate planning/zoning by-laws.  For more information please link to our Planning Department page

Seguin Township Planning

Contact Us

Seguin Township logo

© Copyright 2022 Township of Seguin, 5 Humphrey Drive, Seguin, Ontario, ON P2A 2W8
Phone: 705-732-4300 Toll Free: 1-877-4SEGUIN (1-877-473-4846) Fax: 705-732-6347 After Hours Answering Service 705-751-0050

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